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How to Make a Computer Virus

In computer programming the term «virus» is a piece of code that is attached to other programs, or files. They are inactive until activated and they can do anything from corrupting data to sending emails that overflow inboxes and erase the hard drive. Computer viruses are classified into four phases (inspired by biologists classified by real-life virus’s life cycle).

However, the majority of people do not create viruses to eliminate. There are many reasons. One is bragging rights, as kids who fold an airplane out of paper with clever and innovative ways to see the distance it travels before it comes to a stop. Some people are driven by the same motivations as arsonists and vandals – they feel a sense of satisfaction from destroying other people’s property. For a certain type of programmer, a virulent computer virus could be an Mount Everest, and they’re motivated to see how far they can take it while staying out of detection.

Certain viruses employ polymorphic codes that alters slightly each time they infect a computer or program. This makes it difficult for anti-virus companies to locate and remove all copies the virus from a system. Other viruses rely on an «trigger» to become active and begin spreading, such as an action of a user or timed countdown (to obfuscate the origin of the virus).

You will not achieve anything by generating a virus trojan or worm or any other malicious software for revenge and payback or jokes. You are likely to be charged with a crime. you will be charged. Take a look at alternatives that are more entertaining and safer than creating a malicious program that could cause serious damage or best site even wipe your entire hard drive.

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