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Using a Data Room As an Investment Tool

Investors will require all documents a startup makes available to them during due diligence. This includes legal documents, supplier and customer contracts as well as intellectual property data market research, financial performance. A virtual dataroom is an ideal place to store, manage, and update all of this information. You can also keep track of who has accessed the data and how long.

It is important to include a downloadable version of your financial model in the data room, regardless of whether you are using Sturppy for creating it or some other tool. This allows investors to verify your assumptions and claims without having to ask you for them later.

Investors want to see your business plan, which contains a roadmap and forecasts of the next three years. This will give investors a clear understanding of how you plan to expand and grow your business.

A summary of the most important financial statements that show revenues, operating costs and capital expenditures to date as well as forecasted future profits and revenue. Investors will get a comprehensive overview of your financials from the moment you started to today.

You might have already included a slide on the founding team in your pitch deck and investors may have looked over LinkedIn profiles. However, a section dedicated to highlighting the background and experience of each member could help to influence their decision. This is particularly important if you are planning to seek funding from institutional investors.

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